What you can sell
lafactory.com is the Marketplace of Creation
We favor artists, designers, craftsmen ...as well as works of the mind: you can sell books, music or movies. Collectors' items, especially those published in limited quantities, are also accepted.
Some examples:
- The toys, they must be wooden or of exceptional quality.
- The clothes are handmade, with the help of sewing machines but not industrially and in ethical conditions: statutory hours, and of course always by adults.
- The fine arts: paintings, sculptures ... but also works made by computers, if they are printed and sold in limited edition
- Antiques and collectibles, depending on their rarity. Old or modern objects, always of tremendous quality.
- Books, records, movies ...
- We reserve the right to limit the number of sellers, especially when it comes to common items found everywhere else.
- Quality craftsmanship solid wood, not melamine or formica. Modern techniques (resins, injection, led ..) are allowed to promote creativity and contemporary art.